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Bitcoin Short Term Holder Realized Price

Average purchase price of Bitcoin held by short-term investors

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Short Term Holder Realized Price stats

Realized Price STH


Last Updated

10 days

Terminal Stats





Understanding Bitcoin's Short Term Holder (STH) Realized Price

The Short Term Holder (STH) Realized Price is a metric that calculates the average purchase price of Bitcoin for investors who have held their coins for less than 155 days. This metric focuses on recent market participants who may have entered the Bitcoin market more recently and are considered short-term in their investment horizon.

Unlike the overall Bitcoin price, which reflects the latest market trades, the STH Realized Price provides a snapshot of the average acquisition cost for these newer holders. Short-term holders are typically more sensitive to price movements and market fluctuations, often reacting swiftly to changes in market conditions.

For analysts and investors, the STH Realized Price offers insights into current market sentiment and potential selling behaviors. It helps identify levels at which recent investors may have bought Bitcoin and could potentially sell, thereby influencing market dynamics and serving as a gauge for short-term price resistance.

In summary, the STH Realized Price provides a view into the cost basis of recent Bitcoin investors, highlighting their impact on market movements and offering a complementary perspective alongside traditional price metrics.

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