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Bitcoin Percent Supply in Profit

Percentage of circulating supply in profit

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Percent Supply in Profit stats

Percent Supply in Profit


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about 5 hours

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Percent Supply in Profit

Definition: Percent Supply in Profit measures the proportion of circulating Bitcoin that is currently in profit, based on the price at which each coin was last moved. It provides an indication of the overall profitability of the market.

Implications: When a significant percentage of the supply is in profit, it increases the incentive for holders to sell, potentially leading to increased selling pressure and market corrections. Conversely, when a large portion of the supply is at a loss, it may indicate a bottoming market as holders are less likely to sell at a loss, reducing selling pressure.

Current Trends: This metric helps us understand how price movements impact the profitability of Bitcoin holders. During market rallies, a higher percentage of the supply moves into profit, while during corrections, a larger portion of the supply may be at a loss.

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