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Bitcoin Golden Ratio Multiplier

Multiples of Bitcoin’s 350-day moving average to identify areas of potential resistance zones

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Golden Ratio Multiplier stats

Current 350DMA


Current 24h Golden Ratio (1.6)


Current 1.236


Current 1.6


Current 2


Current 3


Current 5


Current 8


Current 13


Current 21


Last Updated

about 5 hours

Terminal Stats





What is the Golden Ratio Multiplier?

The Golden Ratio Multiplier is based on Bitcoin’s 350-day moving average. This moving average smooths out price fluctuations by averaging the past 350 closing prices of Bitcoin, providing a clearer picture of long-term price trends. The indicator then multiplies this 350-day moving average by several key numbers from the Fibonacci sequence, as well as the golden ratio of 1.618, to create multiple lines on the chart.

These multiples—such as 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and 21—have historically acted as resistance levels during Bitcoin’s bull market peaks, meaning that Bitcoin’s price often hits or comes close to these multiples during its most intense price surges.

How is the Golden Ratio Multiplier Calculated?

To calculate the Golden Ratio Multiplier, we start with Bitcoin’s 350-day moving average, which represents the average price of Bitcoin over nearly a year. We then multiply this value by the following numbers:

1.618 – The golden ratio, a famous mathematical constant.

2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and 21 – Numbers from the Fibonacci sequence.

The result is a series of price levels above the 350-day moving average, which can serve as potential resistance points or market cycle tops.

Historical Significance of the Golden Ratio Multiplier

Historically, the Golden Ratio Multiplier has been incredibly accurate at predicting Bitcoin’s bull market tops. Let’s look at a few key market cycles:

2011 Bull Market: During Bitcoin’s first major bull run, the 350-day moving average multiplied by 21 marked the exact peak of the cycle.

2013 Bull Market: In this cycle, Bitcoin reached a top near the 13x multiple of the 350-day moving average.

2017 Bull Market: The famous 2017 peak at $20,000 aligned with the 5x multiple of the 350-day moving average.

2021 Bull Market: Bitcoin’s most recent peak above $60,000 occurred slightly above the 3x multiple.

As Bitcoin has matured and its market cap has grown, each successive bull market has reached a lower Fibonacci multiple. This pattern suggests that Bitcoin’s volatility is decreasing over time as it becomes a more established asset class.

Why Does Bitcoin Reach Lower Price Multiples in Each Market Cycle?

As Bitcoin gains mainstream adoption and its market capitalization increases, its extreme price swings become less pronounced. According to Philip Swift, the creator of the Golden Ratio Multiplier, this decrease in volatility is a natural part of Bitcoin’s maturation as an asset class. As more investors and institutions enter the market, Bitcoin’s price behavior becomes less speculative, leading to lower peaks relative to its moving average.

In the future, it is expected that Bitcoin’s market cycles will continue to reach lower Fibonacci multiples, with Swift suggesting that Bitcoin’s next bull market could see a top at the 2x multiple of the 350-day moving average. Beyond that, as Bitcoin completes its adoption phase, the price could stabilize around the 1.6x multiple—the golden ratio.


The Golden Ratio Multiplier is an underutilized but powerful tool for analyzing Bitcoin’s price behavior. By multiplying Bitcoin’s 350-day moving average by Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio, this indicator helps investors identify key market cycle tops and potential accumulation points. As Bitcoin continues to evolve, the decreasing multiples of the Golden Ratio Multiplier serve as a reminder of Bitcoin’s diminishing volatility and maturation as a global asset class.

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